Thursday 5 June 2014

The Fight

It was a bright and sunny day, a great way to start a new school year. I was really looking forward to be in grade 9. As always, I was on my everyday school outfit, plain blue hoodie, jeans and a pair of sneakers. I always braid my long brown hair.
I was waiting for the bus to arrive and it was late. When I arrived in our classroom our teacher was already checking our attendance.

“Fanny,” our teacher said.

“I’m here,” I responded as I was walking towards my seat.

“Paula,” she said.

“Here,” Paula responded.

I was taken aback, Paula was my classmate from last year in the middle school. I didn’t really like her. We didn’t get along so much. I felt like she was always jealous of me ever since I met her, maybe because I was doing well in class and she thought I was better than her. She is also older than me by a year, so she thinks she can boss around me.

The bell rang. It was lunch time. I went to the cafeteria to by food. When I got there, I saw Paula. As our eyes met there was a weird feeling in my guts. Her gesture was telling me to come to her but I ignored her. I was about to leave the cafeteria when she got on my way, and she splashed her juice on my face.

“Oops, did not see you there.” She said.

 I was so pissed. I dragged her outside of the school and headed near the school track.

 “What the heck, why did you do that you? I’m not doing anything to you.” I demanded.

I slapped her in the face.

“What did you do?!” She said.

She slapped me back. We started to pull each other’s hair and slapped each other.

I was busy pulling her hair, I didn’t notice Andrew was coming towards us. He pulled Paula away from me. We stopped. This was not the first day of school I was expecting.

“Why are you girls always fighting?! This has to stop. You girls should talk,” he asked.

“She was the first one! She splashed juice all over my face!” I shouted.

“Why are you girls always fighting?” he asked.

“Why do you hate me?” I asked her.

“Well, I don’t really know,” she said

“Were you jealous of me?” I asked.

“We-we-ell…,” she said stammering.

“Maybe,” she said in a soft voice.

“It’s because you’re popular and smart” she said.

“I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you,” she apologized.

I was surprised by her sudden apology. She seemed sincere for what she have said so I accepted her apology.

“Yeah, it’s okay. I’m sorry too,” I smiled.

We talked to each other about the problem. We agreed to set aside our differences and start all over again.

By: Faith, Paula, Fanny and Andrew

Sunday 25 May 2014

Quaities Of Beauty

In my opinion, these are the top 10 qualities of beauty.

1. Caring
2. Respectful
3. Loyal
4. Kind-hearted
5. Honest
6. Helpful
7. Loving
8. Humble
9. Friendly
10. Forgiving
blindfolded ... On Reclaiming ”News” (Fe by marsmet463, on Flickr

What is beauty

What is beauty
Does anybody really know
Is it what is in your heart
Or what your face and body show

Are you just beautiful in looks
Plus what you think and feel
Or are you just pretty on the outside
And the inside is no big deal

Should you not want both
Beauty on the in and the out
Or is it what you see in the mirror
That's what it's all about

You know the old saying
'Beauty is only skin deep'
Beauty just on the outside
Is something you can't keep

So maybe you do look gorgeous
Your looks have met the call
But with no beauty on the inside
You're really not pretty at all. 

Gordon Jackson


1. What is this poet trying to say?

In this poem the poet is trying to explain the real meaning of beauty. Beauty in the inside is more important than the beauty on the outside. Inside beauty is the attitude a person has towards other people, it is how he/she treats and cares for others. It is a good trait that is to be kept and most people appreciate.  Outside beauty doesn't last, all of us will eventually pass away and rot and only the memories of who you are is what will remain. Beauty is not something that is measured base on the appearance. This is similar to the quote "Don't judge a book by its cover." The cover may not look attractive but the story could be interesting. True beauty goes beyond what the eyes can see, it is about the undeniably selfless and giving attitude of a person that makes him or her attractive. 

2. What emotions or feeling are you experiencing?

The feeling that I experienced the moment I read this poem is the sense of appreciation and agreement. I agree to what the poet is trying to say about the real meaning of beauty. We have the same point of view on the definition of beauty. The poem gives a deep meaning about beauty. The poet expressed her thoughts about what real beauty is.

3. What poetic devices are used?

The poetic devices that are used in the poem are rhyme scheme, tone and repitition. Rhyme scheme is one poetic device that is used in the poem. As you can see, the poet used a rhyming pattern throughout the poem. In example, in the first stanza, know and show are words that rhymes. In the second stanza feel and deal also rhymes. It is shown that the second and fourth line in a stanza is what always rhymes. Another poetic device that is used in the poem is tone. As you read the poem out loud there is a tone. The third poetic device that is used is repetition. In the poem, beauty is repeated. For example, in the fourth stanza, its second and third line repeated the word beauty. "Beauty is only skin deep, Beauty just on the inside" These are some of the poetic devices that is used in the poem.

Monday 12 May 2014

beach by esther**, on Flickr

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License

             I believe this image of the sea is beautiful because of its simplicity that it projects. The plain blue colour of the sea from the reflection of the sky gives a refreshing feeling. By just staring at the image of the sea, I can imagine the movement and hear the soft sound of the splashing waves. As shown in this image, the sea is just a vast body of water but underneath is a wide variety of life. Different kinds of fish, dolphins, seahorse, corals, etc. inhabit the sea.
This image of the sea reminds me of the time when my family and relatives went to the sea to go sightseeing. It was beautiful. That’s why when I look at the sea I think its wonderful. In my opinions, simplicity is always the best to be beautiful.